- At our April OT4H Club Meeting we are having a Craft Fair. Members are given the opportunity to create a few crafts that can be entered in the fair.
- IF they fill out a short form (Name, craft item, craft title) their entries can be submitted by the Club.
- Members would need to take their craft home and keep it safe until fair entries are due to be delivered and then
- Entries will have the family email contact on file with the club as the “Contact Number” so you WILL get a notice letting you know the item was entered
- Our club member families will make every effort to set up “car pools” for the items to be delivered to the fair at the correct date/time
- IF they fill out a short form (Name, craft item, craft title) their entries can be submitted by the Club.
- Some Projects may be working on fair entries as part of their project work. Some of these items created MAY be able to be entered in the Fair by the Project Leader. Please check with your Project Leader to see if they are planning to enter any items made as part of their Project work
- Additional items can be entered directly by the member family. These Still Exhibits can be related to something they learned in their 4-H Project or can be something entirely different. For a list and information on what can be entered as Youth Still Exhibits, be sure to read through the Alameda County FAIR YOUTH STILL EXHIBITS GUIDE.
- The link for entries in on page one of this guide
- The dates entries are due and the delivery dates are on page 2
- All youth photography entries must be accompanied by an uploaded image of the photograph
- Entry fees are made at the time of the online entry
- These additional entries can be included in our group “carpools” of entry items as space and local family drop-off sites can be arranged
- The link for entries in on page one of this guide
- Baked Goods, Decorated Foods, Preserved Foods and Table Setting have entirely different entry and delivery schedules. Please check the above-linked guide for info on these
- There is also a Youth Gardening Entry Guide as produce, mini gardens, flower arrangements and such can also be entered by youth.
Please NOTE: We WILL need 2-4 families willing to accept club members fair Still Exhibit entries right before deliveries are due and ferry them out to the Alameda County Fairgrounds either Friday, May 24, 12-8pm OR Saturday, May 25, 8am-4pm.