- Decorated Pumpkin Contest
- Oak -Town 4-H Yard-Art Sign Competition
- Games and Activities
The October Oak Town 4-H Meeting will be on October 12, 2020 at 6pm on Zoom.
Art: Sketching/Drawing: Leader Erica Gomes, Virtual Meetings in October (Fridays or Saturdays) Ages *+
Log on to Zoom and learn to draw step-by-step favorite graphic novel or other popular characters. Group will decide on themes! Month of October on weekend; day/times flexible; meeting dates the weeks of 10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24; may have new section in Spring Arts & Crafts: Leader Elisabeth Wade, Virtual meetings, yearlong. Ages 5+ Send home kits for kids to be creative; meet with Zoom for everyone to show off their projects Second Wednesday of the month, October – April, 7- 7:30 pm Definitely NOT Trending: Book Club for Non-Readers: Leader Casey Walvoord. Virtual meetings, Ages 12+ Share what you've found in the stream/pod/ blogosphere. A book club for people who don't read. Wednesdays 7pm Book Club: Leader Erica Gomes, Virtual Meetings, Yearlong Ages 8+ Group chooses book for the month; once/month get together to discuss book and hangout Monthly, on a Friday or Saturday, 7pm Centerpieces for your Table: Leader Jolene La, Virtual Meetings, yearlong, Ages 9+ Learn how to make a centerpiece for your dining table with stuff you have around the house Monthly, on a Friday or Saturday, 4-5pm (this is flexible) Club Game Night: Leader Jolene La. Virtual meetings, Yearlong. Ages ALL a chance to play games and socialize. weekly, maybe a Thursday or Friday? 7-8 pm? Culinary Arts: Leader Elisabeth Wade, Virtual meetings, yearlong. Ages 8+ Advanced cooking - candy making, baking, cheese making, other areas depending on member interest Second Sunday of the month, October – April, 10-11:30 am Dog Care & Obedience: Leader Erich Vogel. Virtual meetings Yearlong. Ages 8+ Learn about basic dog care and dog obedience. Owning a dog is not necessary Dates/Times TBD Environmental Science: Leader Mary Cousins, Virtual meetings. Yearlong, Ages 9+ Field Trip-Based study of particular places in the East Bay - habitats and engineered systems. Will switch to in-person in spring if allowed, otherwise virtual. Monthly, 6 times (October to April), Dates TBD Fiber Arts : Leaders Chandelle Soriano/Erica Gomes, Virtual meetings, Info TBD Floral Design: Leader Barbara Butko, Virtual meetings, Yearlong, Ages 8+ Learn about flower arrangements, their design, supplies, materials, seasonal variation and uses. Supply packets will be available for pickup the morning of the meeting. Most materials will be supplied but some additional floral material will need to be purchased for a small cost later in the program year. 1st Sunday, Oct-May, 2-3:15 pm Harvesting/Gleaning: Leader Barbara Butko, In-Person and virtual meetings, Oct/Nov Ages 7+ Learn about needs of community and resources that can help. Harvest local fruit/vegies from local backyards Sundays, 10/11-11/8. Initial and Wrap-up Zoom meetings, harvesting in-person, 3-4:30pm Hiking (Fall): Leader, Elisabeth Wade, In-Person meetings, Sept/Oct, Ages 5+ Explore three Bay Area Parks Sept. 19, Oct. 10, Oct. 24, 10 am – noon Hiking (Spring): Leader, Elisabeth Wade, In-Person meetings, Dates TBD, Ages 5+ Explore three Bay Area Parks TBD, 10 am – noon Mini-Gardens: Leader Barbara Butko, In-Person and virtual meetings, Jan/Feb, Ages 8+ Learn to create succulent mini-gardens that fulfill the plants needs, are attractive and long lived. Sundays, 1/24-2/21/21. Initial and Wrap-up Zoom meetings, rooting, planting and decorating in-person, 3-4:30pm Photography: Leaders George and Barbara Butko, Virtual meetings, Yearlong, Ages 9+ Photo Composition/Editing and Critiquing Meeting Info TBD Poultry/Backyard Chickens: Leader Erich Vogel, Virtual meetings, Yearlong, Ages 9+ Learn about owning and caring for backyard chickens Meeting info TBD Rabbits, Advanced- Leaders Casey Walvoord and Jolene La, Virtual meetings, Yearlong, Must be experienced in Rabbits Prep for virtual ARBA convention & future shows 1st Sundays, 2 pm Rabbits, Beginning- Leaders Casey Walvoord, Jolene La, In-Person meetings, Spring, Ages 8+ Learn about care of pet rabbits Dates/Times TBD Rocketry: Leader Elisabeth Wade, In-Person meetings, Winter, Ages 8+ Make and fly a model rocket. Learn about construction techniques’ We will have a virtual planning meeting, then meet once for two hours in January to build rockets. There will be a launch in the Central Valley or in Sacramento in late February or in March, depending on conditions (weather and COVID). Tentative date for the pre-meeting is Wed, Jan 20 from 7-7:45 pm, build is Sunday, January 24 (depending on weather). Sketchup, Beginning: Leader Casey Walvoord, Virtual meetings, Yearlong, Ages ? Design & build a project (individual or group) First Saturdays, 1 pm Spring Vegie Gardens: Leader Barbara Butko, In-Person and Virtual meetings, March-May, Ages 7+ Learn about crops to plant in the spring for early summer gardens Sundays, March-May. Initial Zoom 3/28, In-Person 4/11, 4/25, 5/16, 5/30/21 Initial and Wrap-up Zoom meetings if needed, , planting, care and maintenance in-person Throw Down/”Chopped” Dessert/Snack Challenge, Virtual meetings, Yearlong, Ages 11+ Learn to be creative, think on your feet and put together a snack or dessert from a shared pantry list as well as four unique "mystery items" each meeting. Supply packets available for pickup the morning of the meeting. “Pantry items” will be assumed to be on-hand at members house 2nd Sunday, Oct-May, 4:30-6pm Veterinary Science- Leader Tina Johansson, Virtual meetings, Yearlong, Ages 12+ Study animal science, medicine, disease, behavior, and care, and learn about the veterinary profession. Thursdays 4-5:30Hopefully: 9/24, 10/22, 11/19, 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22, 5/27 Yoga: Leader Jolene La, Virtual meetings, Yearlong, Ages 5+ Practice Yoga with peers Tuesdays 5-5:30 pm YouTube/Videography: TBD |
October 2024