- Monday, April 12, 6pm on Zoom:
- Program: Alameda County 4-H Camp
- Craft: Foam Glider*
- Refreshments: Candy and Cookies* (If you require something different, please send an email to [email protected])
- Club House Meetings
- Goose Chase Missions, In-Club House and Between Meetings! Check your teams' Missions and complete more of them for points for your Club House!
- March Healthy Living Reminder: Looking outdoors for signs of Spring daily- Did you do this?
Oak Town 4-H April Club Meeting Info!
Officers for the Oak Town 4-H Club's 2021-2022 Program Year will be elected in May 2021. Members 9 and up may run for various positions. Review the positions and see if YOU want to help with the leadership of YOUR Club!
Oak Town 4-H Officers and Duties GENERAL EXPECTATIONS OF ALL OFFICERS: Attend all Oak Town 4-H Community Club Meetings or arrange with fellow officers for coverage when absences are necessary and notify club President and Adult Advisors Attend an additional monthly Officers’ Meeting to plan and prepare for meetings, usually late Sunday afternoon 8 days preceding the club meetings Actively participate in planning and running meetings. The ability to stay on-task is a big plus. Practice good communication skills Dependability is required Involvement in club committees and community service is strongly encouraged Officers are expected to adhere to the rules for all members, to perform the duties of the office and serve as role models for the Oak Town 4-H membership Officers are expected to participate in Presentation Day and at least one other county event and one outside club event. If you are not a member in good standing you may not run for an office. PRESIDENT (13 and over) Presides at all club meetings using parliamentary procedure to conduct business meetings. Understands responsibilities of other club officers. Holds monthly officer’s meetings collaborating to develop club meeting agenda with other officers & advisors. Plans ways to get every member to participate in meetings and delegates responsibility. Appoints committees as needed. Maintains communication with Officer Team and Club as a whole Calls the Vice-President(s) to lead the meeting if unable to attend. VICE PRESIDENT (13 and over) Leads meetings if the President is absent. Serves as chairperson of the program planning committee. Introduces educational program and guest speakers at club meetings. Thank educational/guest speakers, presenters, member demonstrators, etc. Assists committees as needed. Possibly 2 positions. One to manage club meeting programs. One to directly assist President SECRETARY (11 and over) Keeps an accurate written record of the business meetings. Reads club’s minutes at each meeting. Records club’s attendance at each meeting. Writes thank you letters to speakers, sponsors, etc. Writes all club correspondence as directed by the President, Executive Committee and/or organizational club advisor. post Minutes on Club website. Can be two positions. Recording and Corresponding Secretaries TREASURER (12 and over) Keeps an accurate account of all 4-H club’s money received and spent by the club. Receives monthly bank statements and retains them for recording purposes Gives a financial report at each 4-H club meeting. Prepares and completes, with the assistance of the Treasurer’s Advisor, an annual financial report at the end of the year and arranges a Peer Review. Prepares a 4-H club budget with the Executive Committee, Finance/Fund Raising Committee and/or 4-H organizational club advisor and presents to the 4-H club membership for approval. Balances the bank statement each month Pays bills when approved by the club. COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER (11 and over) Help get information about future and past club happenings to the membership Help keep information flowing is whatever methods are in use and effective Have a roll in posting to the club web site Pursue additional methods if communication that might be useful in assisting in the dispersal of information to the membership Works with Communication Advisor or Club leadership in posting club information Can be two positions, one to focus on website, one to focus on news blasts COMMUNITY SERVICE/CITIZENSHIP OFFICER (10 and over) Plans a community service activity or drive for each Club Meeting Gathers ideas for community service for the club to pursue Coordinates community service or outreach events at Dimond Recreation Center or Off-Site with the assistance of the Community Service Advisor or Club leadership team and works with Communications Officer to calendar and promote them Researches additional Citizenship programs that would benefit the club’s membership and consults with President/Vise-President about scheduling and promoting Coordinates one Service-Learning activity each year. Can be shared by two members HISTORIAN (10 and over) Takes photographs at all 4-H club meetings and activities. Collects pictures, articles, etc. from other officers and club members to include in the 4-H club’s Facebook and website. Puts together the 4-H club’s end-of-year historical record electronically or as a scrap book as decided by club officers. SERGEANT AT ARMS (10 and over) Makes sure that everyone is paying attention at the meetings Confirms that the rest of the officers have what they need for the meetings Assist with set-up and take-down of club meetings Maintains order HEALTHY LIVING OFFICER/RECREATION LEADER (9 and over) Help members to set a goal every month - to meet the Health-H Challenge. Provides a "Let's Move!" activity at every meeting. Coordinate healthy snacks for each appropriate meeting Fill out the Choose Health Report and give it to my 4-H leader at the end of the year. Helps with community service activities at meetings. Can be team of four members HOSPITALITY OFFICER (9 and over) Greets and welcomes people to Club meetings Helps new members feel welcome Assists members and families in finding provided flyers and information Before meetings including community service drives, directs families to supplies deposit location Assists with filling in for officers not present Work with Healthy Living Officer to assign and notify members who will provide snack at Club meetings 9 and over Can me two members sharing the duties It is the policy of the University of California (UC) and the UC Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources not to engage in discrimination against or harassment of any person in any of its programs or activities. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies may be directed to UC ANR, Affirmative Action Compliance & Title IX Officer, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 2801 Second Street, Davis, CA 95618, (530) 750-1343. |
January 2025