- Meeting called to order 6:32pm, led by Club President Laurentina
- Flag salute and Pledge of Allegiance at 6:34pm
- Upcoming Events started at 6:35pm and ending at 6:42pm
- Skate Night: 10/24/16
- MiniMaker Fair: 10/23/16
- Equestrian Field Trip: 11/12/16
- Club Holiday Auction: 12/12/16
- CAL Conference: January 27, 28, 29, 2017
- Presentation Day Practice: 11/12/16
- Fall Fashion Costume Show 6:42pm ending at 6:45pm
- Community Service, SPCA volunteers 6:45pm ending at 6:50pm
- Game started at 6:50pm and ending at 6:58pm
- Primaries Leave 6:58pm
- Minutes posted online at 7pm
- Treasurer's report at 7:01pm
- Meeting reports at 7:06pm
- Rising Starts
- Oktoberfest Outreach
- National Youth Science Night
- Achievement Night
- Citizenship Weekend
- Meeting reports end at 7:15pm
- Primaries join meeting at 7:15pm
- October birthdays at 7:16pm
- Door prizes at 7:24pm
- Meeting ends at 7:27pm