Oaktown 4-H had our first Environmental Stewardship meeting on Sunday, October 30th. We wrote in our journals and discussed what it means to be an environmental steward. We took an online quiz to find out what our ecological footprints are. I got 5.3. This means if everyone in the world lived like I did, it would take 5.3 Earths to sustain us all. We then watched a video about why compost is good for the environment. Did you know that all the trash in landfills emits methane, which harms the atmosphere? By composting, we can reduce the waste that goes into the landfill. We made our own compost jars filled with food scraps, dirt, and leaves. When we had filled our jars, we drew and labeled a picture of them in our journals. We are going to monitor their progress until the next meeting. New members are still welcome to join us!
-Hannah Comments are closed.
January 2025