ProjectsOak Town 4-H 2024-2025 Projects
Arts/A&C: Possible topics depending on members' interests: Paper Mache, Printmaking, Fabric Stamping, Painting & Drawing (Watercolor, Still Life, Figure Drawing…), Wire Sculptures, Marbling Paper, Learn about Famous Artists & Create in Their Style. 2nd Sundays, 1pm alternating between leaders' homes. November 10, 1-3 Oakland, December 8, 1-3pm Castro Valley Community Service: A wide asssortment of activities to benefit the community possibly including Gleaning, Park Clean Ups, Little Free Library support and more. Gleaning: Oct 13/ Nov 3 2pm, Food/Toy Packing: Likely 12/14, Also: Park and/or Beach Clean Ups, Feb/April, Compasion Stocking Drive and Packing, Easter Egg Blinging and Stuffing and more. Fiber Arts/Sewing : Learn Knitting and Crochet and more. Sundays at 10:30-12:00 Nov 3rd, Dec 8th, Feb 9th Gardening: Cover many aspects of gardening. Start with gleaning summer crops, start small fall vwegie gardens, spend winter on garden-related posters and mini-gardens and then start seeds for spring/early summer gardens. Likely 2nd Sunday of the month at 3pm at leaders' home/yard Hiking: TBD Introduction to 4-H: Specifically oriented towards new members up to 11 years old. An overview of several projects offered at the general club level along with information on more general 4-H topics like record keeping, county events, public speaking and fair exhibits. Strongly encouraged for 1st year members. 1st Sundays at 3pm at leader's home. 1st Meeting: November 3, 3:30pm Photography: Learn composition rules and when to break them. Focus on preparing a portfolio of photographys to use for exhibit entries. Schedule possibly a combination of in-person on weekends and zoom reviews on a weeknight, mostly monthly. Meetings TBD Public Speaking: Learn basics of putting together a prepared speech, talk or presentation. Likely beginning in late October/early November. Combination of Zoom and in-person meetings Small Animals/Small Pets: Cover several small animals, such as Chickens, Rabbits, Dogs, Cats and open the agenda up following initial topics to discuss small animals the project members are interested in. 1st Sundays, 1pm at leaders'homes Teen Group Determined Project: Crafts, Cooking and Community Service at direction of youth membership Ages 13+ Teens only project! Cooking, Crafts, Fun and More! Join us for Social and creative activities, Group Determined- Join us at the first meeting to decide what we do & co-plan! YOUR ideas for meetings will direct this project. Our meetings will be in-person, tentatively first Friday evenings, 6:30-8:30 pm, November through May, Skipping January. Join us for at least 3 meetings to get project credit.. Urban Homesteading: ‘urban homesteading’ project that would include: soap making, sourdough baking, and other creative offerings (kombucha, pickles, jam, etc) as well as some Fiber Arts. Following Fridays at 5:00: Nov 8, Dec 13, Jan 17, Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 18, May 16 Projects Possibly under development: Baking, Fishing, Public Speaking A spreadsheet of the 2024-2025 Oak Town 4-H Project List is also available. Members choose one of more project areas to focus on each club year. The projects are led by adult and teen leaders. Projects meet may meet once monthly or more frequently for a short duration,
The entire Oak Town 4-H Club membership meets once a month with Community Club Meetings from September through June. For the 2023-2024 4-H Program Year we will be meeting in-person at Dimond Recreation Center or Park. These meetings are run by elected youth officers. At the meetings members receive information about upcoming events, and may watch and give presentations, participate in community service, play group games or listen to guest speakers.
Meeting MinutesOther ActivitiesIn addition to Club and Project Meetings, members have the opportunity to participate in many other club, county, state and national events as allowed by current health restrictions or meeting virtually. As conditions deem it appropriate, youth are encouraged to attend community service events, field days (day long events focused on a project area), conferences, presentation days, awards ceremonies, skit night, skate night, Alameda County Fair, and sleep-away camp. There are many leadership opportunities for youth on the local club, county, state, and national level.
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