The March Oak Town 4-H Meeting will be Monday, March 9 from 6:30PM–7:45PM at Dimond Recreation Center. Our Club Officer Team has put together another fun meeting for you with an exciting guest speaker.
- Community Service: Spring Basket Supplies Drive benefitting Oakland's Operation Dignity
- Please bring: large spring baskets, paper grass, small new toys, books, stuffed animals, candy, personal care items (children's toothbrushes, tooth paste, shampoo, combs, brushes)
- Program: Native Bees! Guest Speaker is Sara Leon Guerrero from Urban Bee Lab, UC Berkeley
- Primary Project: Constructing Bee Hotels
- March Birthdays Celebration with Jacob and Chloe
- Games with our Recreation Team
- Snacks: WHO SIGNED UP????
- Door Prizes (we will limit the number of tickets in circulation this month!)